(This matter is
Subject to Bill 51)
That Council
approve an amendment to Zoning By‑law 2008-250 to change the zoning of
2360 Trim Road and Part of 2370 Trim Road
from L1 – Community Leisure Facility Zone, DR Development Reserve, AG Agricultural and
Residential - R3YY[1790]S264 to Residential – R3YY[1890]S264
and O1 Open Space, as shown in Documents 1 and 2 and as detailed in Document 3.
Recommandation DU Comité
(Cette question est assujettie au Règlement 51)
Que le Conseil approuve
une modification au Règlement de
zonage 2008-250 en vue de faire passer le zonage du 2360, chemin Trim and d’une
partie du 2370, chemin Trim de L1 – Zone d’installation
de loisirs communautaire, DR Zone
d'aménagement futur, AG Agricole et Zone résidentielle - R3YY[1790]S264 à Zone
résidentielle – R3YY[1890]S264 et O1 Zone d’espace ouvert, tel
qu’illustré dans les documents 1 et 2, et exposé en détail dans le document 3.
City Manager's report, Infrastructure
Services and Community Sustainability, dated 18 November 2011 (ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0218).
Report to/Rapport au :
and Council / et au Conseil
18 November 2011 / le 18 novembre 2011
Submitted by/Soumis par :
Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/
Directrice municipale adjointe, Infrastructure Services
and Community Sustainability/Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des
Person/Personne-ressource : Derrick Moodie, Acting Manager/Gestionnaire
intérimaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets
d'aménagement-Services suburbains, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et
Gestion de la croissance
580-2424, 15134 Derrick.Moodie@ottawa.ca
- 2360 TRIM ROAD AND PART OF 2370 Trim road (FILE NO. D02-02-10-0069) |
ZONAGE - 2360, CHEMIN TRIM ET partie du 2370, CHEMIN Trim
(DOSSIER NO. D02-02-10-0069) |
That the Planning Committee recommend
Council approve an amendment to Zoning By‑law 2008-250 to change the
zoning of 2360 Trim Road and Part of 2370 Trim Road from L1 – Community Leisure Facility
Zone, DR Development Reserve, AG Agricultural and
Residential - R3YY[1790]S264 to Residential – R3YY[1890]S264 and O1 Open Space, as shown in
Documents 1 and 2 and as detailed in Document 3.
Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de
l’environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement
de zonage 2008-250 en vue de faire passer le zonage du 2360, chemin Trim and d’une
partie du 2370, chemin Trim de L1 – Zone d’installation
de loisirs communautaire, DR Zone
d'aménagement futur, AG Agricole et Zone résidentielle - R3YY[1790]S264 à Zone
résidentielle – R3YY[1890]S264 et O1 Zone d’espace ouvert, tel
qu’illustré dans les documents 1 et 2, et exposé en détail dans le document 3.
The subject site is situated approximately 325 metres south of the intersection of Portobello Boulevard with Brian Coburn Boulevard and approximately 1.1 kilometres west of Trim Road, within the urban boundary.
The subject site is approximately 9.5 ha in area, rectangular in shape. The City transferred the subject site to the applicant recently as part of a land exchange involving environmental lands in the Barrhaven South area.
Immediately north of the site is a parcel of land owned by the City of Ottawa for a future recreation centre and pool complex. Further north is Brian Coburn Boulevard that runs in an east-west direction through the southern portion of Orléans. Abutting the site to the west is Portobello Boulevard, from which the subject site will be accessed. Opposite the road allowance is the eastern limit of Minto Communities’ Avalon South residential development. The Rural Area abuts the site to the south and east, as designated in the Official Plan.
The proposed subdivision contains a grid of local public streets with widths of 14.0 m, 16.5 m and 18 m along which front a total of 234 single-detached and multiple-attached dwellings. A 0.75 hectare park, rectangular in shape, is proposed in the center portion of the lands, which has over 250 metres of frontage along local roads. The subdivision will be accessed from Portobello Boulevard, which extends from Brian Coburn Boulevard south to the southern limit of the urban boundary. The residential units will not have frontage along Portobello Boulevard.
The applicant is proposing 234 residential units, consisting of 131 detached dwellings and 103 multiple attached dwellings (Widelot and Village Townhomes). The amendment would add residential uses as permitted uses on the site in order to allow for the development of the proposed residential subdivision, identified as Phase 2. The Phase 1 lands to the south are currently zoned R3YY[1790]S264.
The project yields a gross density of approximately 24.5 units per hectare. The net density is 39.6 units per hectare, excluding municipal roads.
The existing zoning for the Site is Community Leisure Facility Zone (L1), Agricultural (AG), Residential (R3YY[1790]S264) and Development Reserve (DR), which recognizes lands intended for future urban development in areas designated General Urban Area in the Official Plan. The DR Zone allows for a limited range of uses, including: agricultural use, community garden, emergency service, environmental preserve and education area, forestry operation, group home, home-based business, one detached dwelling accessory to a permitted use, and park. The portion of land that is zoned AG represents an anomaly where the zoning boundary does not accurately reflect the urban boundary.
The applicant is requesting an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to rezone the lands from L1 – Community Leisure Facility Zone, DR - Development Reserve, AG – Agricultural and R3YY[1790]S264 (Residential Third Density Zone Subzone YY, Exception 1790, Schedule 264) to R3YY[1890]S264 (Residential Third Density Zone Subzone YY, Exception 1890, Schedule 264) and O1 - Open Space. The amendment would allow for the following permitted uses: detached dwellings, multiple attached dwellings (which would include both the widelot townhomes and village townhomes), a home-based business and a park. Schedule 264 is being amended to include the lands in Phase 2 of the Summerside subdivision and to reflect the front yard setback requirements on the different right of way widths.
The amendment would establish site specific zoning provisions for detached dwellings and multiple attached dwellings, including minimum lot area, frontage and yard setbacks. It would also include special zone provisions such as modifications to permitted projections and parking requirements for home-based businesses.
Some of the zoning details respond to constraints related to street trees planted within areas with sensitive clays, as per City’s Council’s previous policy direction. The conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision approved on September 17, 2011, also address design considerations, tree species selection and separation requirements to dwelling units.
Of special interest, the zoning details, and in particular the front yard building setbacks will require additional separation between street trees and the front portion of the dwelling, a distance of no less than 7.5m in width, unless the developer incorporates root barriers, tree wells or other methods deemed acceptable by the City Forester. As per the policy, a 2.5 m distance must also be maintained between the tree and the curb.
The park located in a centralized location within Phase 2 of the subdivision will be zoned O1 Open Space.
The proposed zoning complies with Official Plan policies, particularly as they relate to the General Urban Area, which support the development of a full range of housing densities and encourage uses within neighbourhoods providing for the local everyday needs of the residents, including shopping, recreation and services.
Technical studies such as servicing, traffic and geotechnical in support of the Plan of Subdivision have been submitted and approved by the City, and adequately satisfy all requirements for this proposed Zoning By-law Amendment.
This amendment will correct an anomaly in the zoning schedule where the zoning limit should coincide with the urban boundary, but is not shown in the proper location in accordance with Schedule B of the Official Plan and Schedule A in the former Cumberland Urban Official Plan. It is important to note that this in no way constitutes an expansion of the urban boundary but rather an interpretation that this development follows the urban boundary.
This amendment will not only
create an exception to the R3YY zone and zone a park, but will also correct a
drafting error in the location of the zoning lines which corresponds to the
urban limit. Staff
have examined past zoning by-laws and the road network to verify that the
zoning lines, as proposed, correspond to a correct interpretation of the urban
Staff recommend approval of the Zoning By-law amendment as outlined in Document 2.
A draft plan of subdivision was approved for Phase 2 on September 17, 2011 (see Document 4).
Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. The City did not receive any negative comments or opposition to this application.
The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.
There are no legal implications associated with this report.
There are no direct financial implications associated with this report.
The application is consistent with the Planning and Growth Management priority which encourages the infill and intensification of lands designated General Urban Area.
The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to additional time required for the assessment and approval of the concurrent Plan of Subdivision application for the site.
Document 1 Location Map
Document 2 Zoning Schedule
Document 3 Details of Recommended Zoning
Document 4 Plan of Subdivision
City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner, applicant, OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.
Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.
Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.
Zoning Schedule DOCUMENT 2
1. Section 239, Urban Exceptions of By-law 2008-250 be amended by adding a new exception including the following provisions or ones similar with the same intent:
a. Permitted Uses
only the following uses are permitted:
- detached dwelling
- multiple attached dwelling
- home based business
- park
b. Zone Provisions
i. detached dwellings
minimum lot area: 220 square metres
minimum lot width: 9.0 metres
minimum front yard setback: as per schedule 264
min. corner side yard setback: 2.5 metres
ii. multiple attached dwellings
minimum lot area: 81 square metres
min. lot width: 6.0 metres
min. front yard setback: as per schedule 264
min. rear yard setback: when units are attached back to back as well as side to side, no setback required
min. corner side yard setback: 2.5 metres
iii. parking requirement for home based business in a multiple attached dwelling or semi-detached dwelling: one parking space required only when an on-site, non-resident employee is involved
iv. an attached garage must be a minimum of 6.0 metres from a sidewalk that was provided as part of a plan of subdivision
v. despite Section 57, the size of the required corner sight triangle will be as per the approved plan of subdivision.
vii. despite the permitted projections in Table 65 the following is permitted:
ornamental elements such as cornices, eaves, eave-troughs and
gutters, all may project a maximum of 1.0 metre into a required yard but must
be at least 0.2 metres away from any side lot line.
2. steps may
project into a required front or corner side yard a maximum of 2.5 metres but
must be at least 0.5 metres away from a lot line
3. an air
conditioner condenser may be located in a front yard when units are attached
back to back.
Plan of Subdivision DOCUMENT 4